Targeted Traffic: 10 Tips for Your Blog or Website

Connie Ragen Green
4 min readAug 11, 2017
Targeted Traffic to Your Blog

Targeted Traffic to Your Blog or Website

Once you have keywords in place throughout your site, make certain you create engaging content, including posts, images, and other items. Ask pertinent questions in the title or in the first paragraph to keep your audience engaged. Learn the difference between writing for your audience and writing at them.

It isn’t enough to have great website content and targeted traffic. If you want to make money, you need to sell something, whether it is something of your own or an affiliate item. While your website draws in traffic, it’s up to you to make the experience personal for your readers and profitable for your business. The best way to do both of those is by creating an email list where you can get to know your readers better and promote items they want and need. Once you have your mailing list set up, you’ll need to convert website visitors into email subscribers.

How do you get visitors to become email subscribers? Offer visitors something they just can’t turn down, in exchange for joining your list. This is often efficiently done with a “pop-up” reminder, which offers the reader something that is free only when they join by adding their email address in the email capture portion, below the offer. An email capture, marketing strategy works well on your site as well as on many social media platforms.

  1. Add photos to your blog or site — Photos of people enjoying or using your product can encourage your prospects to take action. Be sure to associate the image with a positive emotion that your prospect wants to have or feel.
  2. Create lists — Everyone likes lists. They are short, concise, and save time. Offer “top” lists such as “The Top 7 Reasons to Use Lists.” Create a list of how-tos with specific instructions on how to achieve a goal. Make certain to include a call to action at the end.
  3. Make a top 100 list — Readers love “top 100” lists, especially if they are short and concise. These longer lists are a great choice for “the year in review” type of posts.
  4. Create a guide — Guides are important marketing tools because they offer valuable information in one place. If you can offer information all in one place, you make readers happy and can gain their trust, which makes them want to come back for more. One of my recent guides is on the topic of Copywriting for Entrepreneurs.
  5. Learn how to use YouTube — For many website owners, writing keeps them busy. They don’t often think of putting themselves out there on video. Consider learning how to use YouTube and creating your own channel to capture targeted traffic. Web users love videos.
  6. Add text to your website images — The Google bot cannot “see” a photo so add tags, descriptions, and other meta-data to images along with text for site visitors. This encourages visitors and search engines to come back repeatedly.
  7. Join Facebook groups relevant to your niche — When you want to draw traffic to your website, it’s important to join several different groups on Facebook and become active in them. Once you gain trust, make friends, and gain followers, you can promote your business appropriately in these groups. One of my most popular groups on Facebook is List Building with PLR — please join us!
  8. Join Google + — If you’ve done Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, don’t forget about Google +. You can share your content with others in your circles and they, in turn, can share your content in their circles. It’s a wonderful way to have your content spread.
  9. Ask experts to write guest posts for your website — Have other experts write guest posts for your site. They will link back to their post on your site so that their readers become your readers as well — instant traffic. Here is a guest post from my colleague Cheryl A Major on the topic of Consistency for Entrepreneurs.
  10. Give and create interviews — Interviews make it easy for new people to get to know you and discover why you are an expert in your field. When you grant an interview to someone, they will likely link to the interview and your site. Request an interview from your own mentors or experts in your field. Helping your readers get to know the people you admire or credit with your own success associates your name with other well-known people and can give your authority level a boost, along with website traffic. I recently gave this interview to the Nonfiction Authors Association.

You will also want to read this article I wrote about website traffic tips that work effectively for your blog and other sites.

I’m author and online marketing strategist Connie Ragen Green. I work with entrepreneurs to create multiple streams of online income and would love to connect with you. Pick up my Online Entrepreneur’s Blueprint and get started right away.

Originally published at Huge Profits, Tiny List.



Connie Ragen Green

Online marketing strategist, author, speaker, and publisher working with entrepreneurs on six continents.