Old School Business Practices

Connie Ragen Green
10 min readJul 16, 2024
Connie Ragen Green — Old School Business Practices

Old School Business Practices Make Cents… Dollars and Sense

Some Business Practices Never Go Out of Style

Life is ever-evolving and with it the way we do things. In business being relevant is crucial, but sometimes tried-and-true concepts are more valuable than what’s on trend in the marketplace. Here, I’ll discuss why old school business practices make sense for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

In a world of pop-up shops and influencers it’s easy to believe there’s no rhyme or reason to building a brand and running a business, but smoke and mirrors won’t make a business sustainable. In fact, some business practices never go out of style.

Having a Niche Never Goes Out of Style

Knowing who your customer is and what and why you are selling to them will never go out of style. Having a niche is crucial to build your brand and know where to put your emphasis and resources.

Your niche is the springboard for most of the decisions you make in your business.

Consistent Branding Never Goes Out of Style

Building a brand that your customers recognize, know, and trust will never be obsolete. Confused customers do not buy. When customers clearly know who you are, what you represent…



Connie Ragen Green

Online marketing strategist, author, speaker, and publisher working with entrepreneurs on six continents. https://Linktr.ee/ConnieRagenGreen