Huge Profits with Publishing

Connie Ragen Green
5 min readFeb 8, 2023
Connie Ragen Green — Huge Profits with Publishing

Mini Case Study: $250,000 a Year Making Huge Profits with Publishing Books

For many years, I have introduced myself to others as a writer, publisher, and entrepreneur. This was a concept first put forward by Guy Kawasaki in his revolutionary book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur: How to Publish a Book in 2012. You can make huge profits with publishing, and I’ll share more details with you here.

I was going to title this, “$250,000 a Year Writing Books,” but the fact is that you never ever need to write a book yourself to make this work. If you can outsource the writing of books, then you can do this. For that matter, if you can ask 20 people a simple question, you can also do this. Here’s how:

First, you need books. If you’re a writer, then you can skip ahead. If you’re not, you’re going to either:

A: Outsource the writing of your books. This is almost better than writing your own because you can hire multiple writers to write multiple books at the same time if you like.

The key, of course, is to find good writers who don’t sound like they’re an AI (artificial intelligence) program. Your non-fiction books need not only good information people want, but also personality. It’s the helpful information that will sell the first book, and the…



Connie Ragen Green

Online marketing strategist, author, speaker, and publisher working with entrepreneurs on six continents.